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Virtual Multiplier Events in Turkey

Virtual Multiplier Events in Turkey

Type of Event: Virtual Multiplier Event Organizing Institution: Van Gençlik Eğitim Akademisi Derneği

Results of the Virtual Multiplier Event:
By digitally disseminating PPR1 and PPR2 to a wider audience, accessibility and participation were increased.
Online feedback mechanisms were used to improve project outcomes based on professional insights.
Increased awareness of educators and VET officials regarding learning difficulties, especially in remote contexts
Expanded academic collaboration through virtual platforms.
Leverage digital communications to drive project outcomes and foster partnerships.
Information was provided about VET technological developments in Türkiye and internationally through online tools.
Information was given about EU financing and Erasmus+ opportunities through virtual sessions.
Event Outline:
First Session (80 minutes): Opening by Ms. Hatice Subaşı, followed by guest speeches. Introduction and discussion of project outcomes, emphasizing pre- and post-project scenarios for students with learning difficulties.
Second Session (80 minutes): Interactive demonstrations of the Social-Vet 4.0 platform and coding games, allowing remote participation.
Final Q&A Session (40 minutes): Open forum for queries on project outputs, ensuring clarity and gathering feedback for future development.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.