Weilova 1270/4 102 00 Praha 10 – Hostivař

+420 242 456 100


I Code the Future

Our project aims to facilitate or speed up the learning of coding lessons by using educational games to be organised to promote the comfortable and easy understanding of the students with learning disabilities. To enable the students with learning difficulties to be included in the vocational education and labor market in Czechia, Europe. We contribute to coding lessons in vocational schools and VET training organizations with innovative digitalized gamification tools. We will make coding education more relevant to the VET students’ needs, especially those with learning disabilities.

The innovative games will address the teaching and learning process by embedding the lesson materials into the games, To create a social and educational platform called the social-Vet 4.0. In this platform, all vocational students, teachers, and experts in special education, as well as the parents of the students with learning disabilities, will gather. While the students with learning disabilities will be engaging in some digital tools and increasing their digital literacy as well as socializing, the experts in special education, VET teachers, and parents will be able to transfer know-how among those groups.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.