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VET-Pedagogy Training - All Things About the Students with Learning Difficulties in VET organisations.

The face-to-face training activity conducted in Spain focused on employing blended learning and gamification to support students with learning disabilities. Over five days, participants explored the fundamentals of blended learning, the architecture of blended learning modules, and the creation of digital gamification tailored to the needs of learners with disabilities. The training emphasized practical application, including the development, design, testing, and refinement of learning modules and digital games. The activity concluded with the presentation of results, awards for outstanding modules and gamification designs, and certification for all participants. This comprehensive approach directly contributed to the project's objectives by enhancing educators' ability to create inclusive, engaging educational experiences.
The training activity significantly advanced the project's objectives by equipping educators with the skills to integrate blended learning and gamification into their teaching, specifically tailored for students with learning disabilities. This hands-on approach fostered an understanding of how to create engaging, inclusive learning environments. By focusing on the design, development, and implementation of digital gamification and blended learning modules, educators were prepared to meet diverse learning needs effectively. This empowerment of educators directly impacts the accessibility and quality of education for students with learning disabilities, aligning with the project's goal to enhance educational outcomes and inclusivity.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.