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Dissemination activities of I Code the Future project in Czech Republic

Dissemination activities of I Code the Future project in Czech Republic

Our school, as the coordinator of the "I Code the Future" project, would like to invite you to go behind the scenes of the project and inform you about its dissemination activities.

The groundbreaking "I Code the Future" project has made significant progress in disseminating information and reaching a diverse audience through a multifaceted approach to promote its innovative results and foster multicultural cooperation.

The cornerstone of the project's dissemination strategy is its comprehensive website, which serves as a central repository for all information related to the project. The website has been regularly updated with news and project outputs. The website is complemented by active social media channels, which have been essential to extend the reach of the project and engage stakeholders in different areas.


A number of successful events were organized to share the project's findings and progress. These events not only facilitate the dissemination of information about the project but also provide stakeholders with the opportunity to engage directly with the project team, contribute valuable feedback and encourage potential collaboration.

The most significant event at which we had the opportunity to share our project activities was the "Schola Pragensis" event, which featured a prestigious fair of Prague secondary schools that helps tens of thousands of students each year to choose their next school. This event was held at the Prague Congress Centre and where we had the opportunity to contact not only teachers, students, but also their parents which provided invaluable feedback. We personally welcomed all target groups to the “school open day” who were not only interested in our groundbreaking project but also in studying with us.

Further dissemination of information took place at our school specifically in open days, where we had the opportunity to focus more on students who were interested in studying, but also got the chance to communicate with parents and their relatives. Thanks to this interaction we were able to successfully spread the word about the I code the Future project.  It is also worth mentioning that at the end of each open day we had a presentation about the project where the participants got detailed information.

A final valuable aspect of the dissemination of information was the involvement of contacts at other secondary vocational schools in Prague. Thanks to the director Milan Vorel, we contacted the Secondary Industrial School of Electrical Engineering at Ječný and the Secondary Vocational School - Vocational Training Centre and Gymnasium at Poděbradský. Where we made a short presentation of the project not only for teachers but also for students.

Visual identity

In order to maintain a cohesive and professional image, our "I Code the Future" project team created a strong visual identity, including a logo and document templates. These elements are consistently used in all promotional materials, reinforcing the project's credibility.

Future outlook

As I Code the Future continues to develop, its dissemination activities will remain a key part of its strategy. The future includes expanding outreach activities, strengthening online engagement and organizing more interactive events to maintain momentum and support the project's long-term objectives.

About the project "I Code the Future"

"I Code the Future" is an innovative project that aims to "facilitate or accelerate the teaching of coding lessons through educational games that are organized to promote comfortable and easy understanding for students with learning disabilities as well as other students interested in the world of coding". The project is co-funded by the European Union - Erasmus+ program, bringing together leading experts and institutions to promote progress in vocational education.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.